• Maintaining Operations, Connectivity, and Security in the Manufacturing Sector

    Maintaining Operations, Connectivity, and Security in the Manufacturing Sector

    Build it and they will come. Not only is it the famous line from a movie, but it also rings true for cybercriminals. In this case, it isn’t what is being built, but the manufacturing process itself that attracts nefarious characters. A 2022 study conducted by IBM showed that no industry is targeted by cyber…

  • Why the Financial Sector Is Especially Vulnerable to the Insider Sabotage Threat 

    Why the Financial Sector Is Especially Vulnerable to the Insider Sabotage Threat 

    In the 2008 crime comedy movie Mad Money, three women with menial jobs at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City plot to steal money from the branch. Each works in a different department, but by leveraging their work responsibilities and unique access to areas of the building, they’re able to pull off their theft…

  • Guarding Against MFA Fatigue with 24×7 Monitoring

    Guarding Against MFA Fatigue with 24×7 Monitoring

    Leveraging fatigue as a means of persuasion is a potent technique. Even young children pick up on this, persistently requesting treats until a weary parent finally gives in, seeking a brief respite. But children aren’t the only ones employing this tactic. How often have we made a purchase simply to deter a persistent salesperson? MFA…

  • Pre and Post Breach Insights From the MOVEit Incident – Strengthening Cyber Posture

    Pre and Post Breach Insights From the MOVEit Incident – Strengthening Cyber Posture

    In 1972, Edward Norton Lorenz, a mathematician and meteorologist, introduced the world to the Butterfly Effect, giving birth to the science of chaos theory. The “Butterfly Effect” rests on the notion that the world is so interconnected today, that a one-time small occurrence can have a major impact on a larger more complex system. He…

  • Living-off-the-Land: How Attackers Blend into Traffic

    Living-off-the-Land: How Attackers Blend into Traffic

    “Living off the land” is a strategy employed to discreetly achieve a dubious aim. Think about a couple of wedding crashers. Dressed impeccably, they blend in seamlessly with legitimate guests, indulging in the spread and avoiding direct contact with the newlyweds who might identify them as illegitimate guests. Similarly, a hiker in the wilderness becomes…

  • Tackling Ransomware’s Grip on Education

    Tackling Ransomware’s Grip on Education

    Educational institutions are facing a crisis. Over a short period of time, K-12 schools and universities became heavily reliant on technology. From online classes to managing student records, digitization is being embraced to enhance learning experiences and increase administrative efficiency. However, digital transformation comes at a cost – exposing these organizations to cyber threats. From an…


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